Ko Tanaka 国連事務総長を目指す男ブログ







今日は現在国際情勢で話題の Cameroon(カメルーン) についてです!



Cameroon(カメルーン) は石油や農地などの天然資源が豊富に取れることから、様々な西洋諸国に植民地支配されてきた歴史があります。

1910年代にイギリスとフランスが、当時の支配者ドイツを追い出して Cameroon(カメルーン) における植民地支配を始めます。地域の80%をフランスが管理し、主に西側にある20%の地域をイギリスが管理することになったんです。

1960年代にはフランスの管理していた地域が独立したり、イギリスの管理していた地域が独立したカメルーンと隣国のナイジェリアで分割されたりしたのですが、1972年に今の Cameroon(カメルーン) に統合されます。


ナイジェリアとカメルーンのあいだでは 1994年に石油が多くとれる国境付近の地域をめぐって紛争が起こります。

国連が仲介役に入って世界銀行がサポートをしていき、2002年には国際司法裁判所が "その地域はカメルーンの領土である" という決断を下しました。でも、ナイジェリアはそれを拒否するんですね。

ナイジェリアは 2006年にその地域から軍を撤退することに同意するのですが、緊張状態は続いていきます。現在はナイジェリアからでてきた過激派組織のボコハラムが Cameroon(カメルーン) へ勢力を強めていて、隣国とともに戦っているんです。


1984.年に Paul Biya という人がカメルーン大統領にえらばれるのですが、Biya 大統領は任期を延長できるように憲法を編成したりして現在まで30年以上も大統領を続けているんです。









Al Jazeera English, BBC News, Crisis Group, The Washington Post


Note in English

Since Camerron is rich in natural resources, it has a history that multiple European countries had tried to colonize Cameroon. 

In the 1910s, Britain and France took over German influence in Cameroon and divided the power in the country into 80% of French administrative zones and 20% of British zones in the west. 

In the 1960s, French zones in Cameroon got independence and became the Republic of Cameroon, and British zones were divided between Cameroon and Nigeria.

In 1972, however, Cameroon was united as a unitary state, known as the United Republic of Cameroon.

A current president Paul Biya was elected and renamed the country to the Republic of Cameroon in 1984.


Nigeria and Cameroon started a border conflict over Bakassa Peninsula, which is rich in oil, in 1994, and the United Nations helped to make a resolution as a mediator. World Bank approved its support for oil and pipeline project in Cameroon and Chad in 2000. This action, however, was criticized due to its environmental damage. 
In 2002, International Court of Justice gave sovereignty of the Bakassi Peninsula to Cameroon, but Nigeria rejected the decision. Nigeria agreed to withdraw its troops from the Bakassi Peninsula in 2006, but the tension still remains.


The constitution was modified to allow President Biya to run for a third term. Although he won the 2011 election, the opponents rejected the result and alleged fraud. He won his 7th term in 2018 and still remains as president today. 


Since 2013, Boko Haram in Nigeria has expanded its power into Cameroon, and Chad has provided military support for Cameroon against Boko Haram.


Due to its colonial history, the majority of people in Cameroon speak French. Although French and English speaking people in Cameroon had been in harmony, people in the western region have complained about the use of French in courts and schools.

The Anglophone conflict began in 2016 when the government tried to oppress peaceful protests by English-speaking lawyers and teachers against marginalization by the country’s majority Francophone government.

More than 30 armed separatist groups were formed as “restorationists” to fight for their freedom and independence, but the Cameroonian government called them as “terrorists” in public statements.

Since separatists initially complained about the educational system taught in French, they attacked schools and involved citizens. 



Now it should be easier to understand the recent news.
