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European Union

今日は European Union(EU) の構成と財政管理についてです!


European Union(EU)とは?

”国家間のつながりを強めることによって紛争を防ごう”と”いう目的でつくられたEuropean Union(EU) では、民主国家と同じような権力の集中を防ぐための仕組みが作られています。また、EU加盟国になると、その国民は加盟国間で自由に移動できたり働いたりでき、国家は関税などのない貿易をすることができます。

European Union(EU) の構成は?

投票を通してヨーロッパ国民の意見を代表している European parliament,

EU加盟国がそれぞれの意見を持ちよる Council of the EU,

EUの組織全体としての意見を代表している The European Commission

を中心に多くの部署が存在していて、Council of the EU では各国が交代制でリーダーをしていくだけでなく、各国の人口の大きさに応じて議会の座席数が割り当てられます。


EUできめられた法律がちゃんと施行されているかを管理する The European Commissionが基本的に新しいルールを提案し、その後他の機関を通じて議論を進めていくんですね。

ほかにも、the European council という別の機関は EU 全体の政治的方針を決めていくのですが、法律を通す権利などは持っておらず、加盟国全体による民主的な仕組みを徹底しています。

European Union(EU) の財源は?

EU は主に

the Gross National Income(GNI)という国の経済力をはかる指標に基いて加盟国から集められる直接的な税金、





こうして得られた財源は EU加盟国の格差をなくすための経済発展や雇用創出への投資や、EU内での言語や文化の多様性を守るために使われるんですね。



The Atlantic, europe.edu 



European Union(EU) has many branches for its check and balance system. 



Legislative plays a role to create laws and make a budget plan with an agreement among;

- European parliament that represents interest for European citizens through direct election, 

- Council of the EU that represents interest for the individual EU member states through given numbers of seats based on the population, The leader of the council is rotated among the members, and 

- The European Commission that represents interest for the EU as a whole.  

The Commission that ensures the laws are properly implemented usually proposes new laws, and the Parliament and Council adopt them. 

Judicial plays a role as a court. 

Executive plays a role to set the EU's overall political direction and handle the EU's crisis, but it has no central power to pass laws. It consists of the European council, Council of the EU, the European Commission, the European Central Bank.

The powers and responsibilities in the EU are under control of treaties that are made by all the EU member states. 


EU Budget

The EU's sources of income are mainly collected from;

- National contribution from the member states based on the Gross National Income(GNI) as a revenue share in the common market that allows fee trade of good and services, 

- Customs duties on import products from outside the EU and fines imposed when businesses fail to comply with EU rules, and

- Value added taxes based on the Gross National Income(GNI) of the member states,


The EU's sources of income are mainly used for investment in growth and job creation to reduce economic gaps among the EU states. Since the size of workers for the EU is relatively small, the budget on administration is also relatively low, but it includes language services, such as translation, to protect the diversity in the EU.

The EU commission and the EU governments share responsibility for effective budget management.